May 24, 2019

Forming An Opportunity Belief

1.      Opportunity belief
I think college students do not have enough time to eat well and cook healthy meal.
2.       Unmet Need
Food delivery service that provide you pre-cooked healthy meal.
-College students have this need and I think this need is always existed because this is such a convenient service. To meet this need, people are eating cheap, fast and unhealthy food because they do not have time to cook.
3.       Prototypical customer
·         Male Student
·         Female Student
·         Graduate Student
4.       Iteration 1: Female College Student
1.       What is the exact nature of the need?
She eats more protein and carbs than veggies and fruits. She knows eating veggies and fruits are very important, but they are too expensive to eat daily.
2.       When are you aware of this problem?
As soon as I told her.
3.       How long have you had this need?
Since she came to college.
4.       When did you first become aware of the need and why?
Since she came to college because her eating habit changed after she left her home.
5.       How are you currently addressing this need?
When she eats out, she tries to order vegetable for the side.
6.       How satisfied are you with this solution?
She is not satisfied with the solution. She said she would use the food delivery service that I addressed depends on the price.
7.       My reflection: I learned it is hard for college students to have time to prepare for the meal. I was surprised she was senior at college and kind of giving up eating healthy food.

Iteration 2: Graduate Student
1.                   What is the exact nature of the need?
She does not have time to meal prep and tend to eat out a lot.
2.                   When are you aware of this problem?
When she is home.
3.                   How long have you had this need?
Since she came to college. Her parents always cook healthy meal for her.
4.                   When did you first become aware of the need and why?
First year of college because she realized she was eating out often.
5.                   How are you currently addressing this need?
She is trying to cook healthy meal at home, but it does not last. Usually it last 2-3 days.
6.                   How satisfied are you with this solution?
She is not satisfied with this solution and if there is a food delivery service like I addressed, she said “Definitely I would use it”.
7.                   My reflection: I learned how parents were working hard to feed their kids to eat healthy. Life is completely different with parents or not with parents. It could be better not having parents around you sometimes but foodwise, definitely it is better to have parents near you.
Iteration 3: Male College Student
1.                   What is the exact nature of the need?
He does not eat out a lot and he cook at home. However, he cooks carbs and protein most of the time since vegetables are expensive and not make him full.
2.                   When are you aware of this problem?
Every time he cooks. Or when he is talking with vegan friends.
3.                   How long have you had this need?
Since I came to college.
4.                   When did you first become aware of the need and why?
When my body weight got higher.
5.                   How are you currently addressing this need?
Take multi-vitamin. Eat salad for the side when he eats out.
6.                   How satisfied are you with this solution?
He was not satisfied with this solution and if there is a food delivery service like I addressed, he said “I would but it depends on price”.
7.                   My reflection: He was willing to eat healthier but eating healthy everyday could be very
expensive. He was taking multi-vitamin as an alternative solution for eating healthy. But I think taking nutrients from actual food is better.

5.       Summary
How much of the original opportunity is still there?
·         The original opportunity is still there. Most college students are not eating well and cooking healthy meal. It is because they do not have time to do it.
Do I believe the new opportunity is more accurate than when I started?
·         Yes, I understand the college students’ situations and I know it is more accurate now.
How much should entrepreneurs “adapt” their opportunities based on customer feedback?
·         There is trade-off. It is better-off to adapt opportunities because it will increase customer’s satisfaction mentally and physically. Entrepreneurs should adapt their opportunities because there is demand and our job is to satisfy customer’s need.


  1. Hello!
    I think you posted a great detailed post here. You actually helped me notice a few things that I done wrong on my own personal post. I agreed with a few of your content listed under your iterations. My biggest agreement is that "the original opportunity is still there. Most college students are not eating well and cooking healthy meal. It is because they do not have time to do it."

  2. Hi Kaito!

    I definitely see how this is an unmet need for college students. Many people have too busy of schedules to be able to cook and to be able to shop for healthy food. Many people that I know have to eat at unhealthy, cheap places like McDonalds, or cook cheap, fast foods like ramen noodles. I know many people that would be interested in this service.

    Great idea!


Final Reflection

1)     Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- th...