Jul 26, 2019

Celebrating Failure

1)    Tell us about a time this past semester that you failed -- whether in this class, or outside of this class. Don't spare any details! It'd be even better if there was something you tried several times this semester and failed each time. 

One thing I tried several times this semester and failed each time was the relationship with my girlfriend. She goes to USF but she was in Japan for all summer. First time we had a trouble was when I decided to live in fraternity house from Fall. She thought there is more chance to meet other girls and she didn’t like it at all. I tried to convince her by telling her like how often I’m going to visit her, whenever we’re free we’ll facetime, and so on. But it didn’t work well and she is still mad about it. Second time she got really mad at me was when I went to road trip to Georgia for my big’s birthday party. There were few girls showed up too (there were 15 boys though) and she didn’t like it. I explained her most of them were somebody’s girlfriend but still she was mad. Last day of road trip, I was drinking too much and after I shotgunned four loco I literally blacked out. I knew I have to call or text her before I go sleep but I couldn’t find my phone and I fell sleep. Next morning, I woke up and of course, she was very angry because she doesn’t know what happened last night. I apologized so many times but she didn’t forgive me. And also there are several times that she got mad at me when I went to parties. Each time I try to convince her that I am not going to cheat and she is the only one I love but it is hard to change her feeling. 

2)    Tell us what you learned from it.  
I learned from this experience, I found that I am not good at long distance relationship and girls will get mad even though boys think they are not doing bad things. In addition, girls have good memories. Every time she got mad, she brings up all mistakes that I made in past years and even stuffs before we start dating. I learned that when girls got very emotionally, it is very hard to control or settle down until I made a promise to take her to expensive restaurants.

3)    Finally, talk about how this class has changed your perspective on failure -- are you more likely to take a risk now than you were just a few months ago?

Through this class, my perspective on failure has changed. I learned that none of entrepreneurs became successful at their first try. They mad a lot of mistakes and they finally became successful. So now, I am not afraid of making mistakes because it is an important step to the next level.


  1. Kaito,

    From your confession, it does sound like you have room for personal growth. However, do not be discouraged for too long over your failed relationship. I clearly only know one side of the story here, but I would say that your ex-girlfriend is very insecure. Relationships must have trust; its an essential foundation to any lasting relationship. It seems your ex-girlfriend didn't trust the bond that you both shared and she was too insecure to recognize that her fears were creating unhealthy responses. A person who loves you won't try to control you; instead a foundation of trust nurtures respect for each other. - I don't always like the choices my husband makes but I trust him always, I respect our differences and we approach life as a team pursuing mutual goals.

    I'll leave you with a quote from Johnny Cash, Walk the Line:

    I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
    I keep my eyes wide open all the time
    I keep the ends out for the tie that binds
    Because you're mine, I walk the line

    I find it very, very easy to be true
    I find myself alone when each day's through
    Yes, I'll admit that I'm a fool for you
    Because you're mine, I walk the line."

    Love isn't easy but it is always worth it.
    Best Regards,


    1. wow thanks a lot Suzanna it means a lot to me.
      I will keep this quote in my mind.
      Thank you:)


Final Reflection

1)     Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- th...