May 31, 2019

Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

·         Economic trend: High Competition in Phone Industry
o   what leads you to believe that this information suggests an opportunity might exist?
I have my smartphone since I was in high school. Every year, phone companies such as Apple, Samsung, Huawei, and so on, have introduced their new product. I believe this is a big opportunity for industries who make phone chargers or headphones. For example, 1/8 phone plug is not used for apple’s recent products.
o   who do you think is most likely to be the customer with the opportunity?
I think all customers who uses smartphone.
o   is the opportunity relatively easy or relatively difficult to exploit, and why do you think so?
I think it is easy to exploit because there are not a lot of famous charger company that we can trust. So as cheap headphones that we can buy at gas stations, it could break quick so we cannot trust them.
o   Why did you see the opportunity?
I saw this opportunity because every time I buy a new phone, I need to buy a new phone case and screen protector because sizes are different compared to old ones. So as headphones and changers. You will need a new charger if you change your phone from android to iPhone.

·         Economic trend: Nursing Home and Nursing-Care goods
o   what leads you to believe that this information suggests an opportunity might exist?
In the developed countries, due to medical development, aging has advanced. So there is a lot of opportunities for nursing home and nursing-care goods.
o   who do you think is most likely to be the customer with the opportunity?
I think old people will be the customer for this opportunity.
o   is the opportunity relatively easy or relatively difficult to exploit, and why do you think so?
It easy to exploit because there are a lot of fraud to elderly people. Bad people sell nursing-care goods by extraordinary price.
o   Why did you see the opportunity?
My grandmother used to live in nursing home because her sons (my dad and my uncle) have work and they are very busy. The nursing home took care of her very well and she seemed happy. I was surprised to see many old people were in nursing home and number of nursing homes in my town, so I realized there are demands in industry for the elderly.

·         Regulatory changes: Trade Friction between the US and China
o   what leads you to believe that this information suggests an opportunity might exist?
As people know that a lot of products in the US such as clothes, electrical machinery and equipment, and so on. Due to regulate Huawei’s entry to America’s industry, trade friction between the US and China has started. I thought there are some opportunities for other countries because now it is hard for China to export to America because of high tariff, it is other countries’ chance to send export their stuff.  
o   who do you think is most likely to be the customer with the opportunity?
Any countries that can be alternative substitute for China.
o   is the opportunity relatively easy or relatively difficult to exploit, and why do you think so?
It is difficult to exploit because American customs are very strict.
o   Why did you see the opportunity?
I saw this opportunity because China used to be a great place to build factories because land was cheap, many workers, and labor cost was low. However, due to development of China’s economic last years, it is getting expensive to locate factories in China.

·         Regulatory Changes: Tattoo culture in Japan.
o   what leads you to believe that this information suggests an opportunity might exist?
It was not good to have tattoo for Japanese for a long time. However, many young Japanese people started getting tattoo as a fashion recently. So, there is an opportunity for tattooist.
o   who do you think is most likely to be the customer with the opportunity?
Young generation in Japan because we don’t hate tattoo like our parents or grandparents do.
o   is the opportunity relatively easy or relatively difficult to exploit, and why do you think so?
I think it is difficult to exploit because a lot of tattooist is well-trained.
o   Why did you see the opportunity?
It is not illegal to have tattoo in Japan but because of a lot of yakuza (Japanese mafia) have them, people have prejudice that people think you are bad person if you have tattoo. However, it is common to see people with tattoo now because number of tourists from foreign countries have been increased year by year and there is a lot of famous actors or singers or artists with tattoo. Tattoo is more familiar than the past.


  1. Kaito,

    I appreciated your economic trend #2, the rising need for quality nursing home care. There have been several articles written about how nursing home care facilities will meet the demand of the aging Baby Boomer generation. An article that I had previously read regarding this problem was from the University of Pennsylvania.

    The article (above) says that technology advancements such as telemedicine needs to implemented into the industry as a whole. By incorporating new medical technologies, nursing homes may be able to provide better care to a great number of patients. Thus helping the industry to serve a larger population.

    I was really fascinated by the CNN article you shared regarding the new tattoo regulations in Japan, but to be honest, I didn't understand the nature of the regulation until I clicked on the article's link. One way you could have improved that section of the assignment (article #4) would to have been to give more background information regarding the article. Otherwise you really did a great job with the whole assignment.

    Best Regards,
    Suzanna Pederson

  2. Hey Kaito,

    I also thought of the trade friction with China. My article was about Dollar Tree needing to increase prices past a dollar, due to increased costs of importing Chinese manufacturing. It’s funny because I believe President Trump’s goal was to move manufacturing to the United States, but, as you say, there is now lots of opportunity for other countries to pick up China’s slack, such as Vietnam, India, Thailand, or Indonesia.

    Jonah Brafman


Final Reflection

1)     Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- th...