May 31, 2019

Testing the Hypothesis

The opportunity I’m pursuing is the problem of the lack of parking on the University of Florida, and even thought they pay for parking, students and staffs cannot find the parking spots.

The who: Students and staff of the University of Florida
The what: It is very difficult to find the parking spots for students and staffs during the day.
The why: There is no convenient way to find open spots and nobody want to be late for class or work.

Testing the who: Students and staffs of the University of Florida.
Testing the what: Try to find the way to find open spots in the garage or parking lots on campus or close to campus through the smartphone.
Testing the why: A lot of people drive and walk to class or work and need parking spots.

1. This male student has this problem but not often. He says he drives scooter and parking spots are always packed but since scooter is not big, he can find small space and tries to fit in. He said he will definitely download the app if it existed.

2. This female student did not have this problem. She has morning class so she always come to school around 8 so there is still enough space to park. She said she likes to wake up early and get things done, so she probably never has this problem.

3. This male graduate student has this problem almost every day. He goes to school by car and he is always arriving at class few minutes before. He said he knows he need to wake up earlier, but he has a lot of things to do so he always goes to bed late in the night. He said he download this app for sure.

4. This staff did not have this problem. It is because he always uses bus to go to school. He said he works here so he cannot be late. Students can be late a little (depend on the professor) but for work, he cannot be late because of responsibility and he does not want to get fired. He is satisfied with RTS bus transportation very much and he had an app called “Rider” which tracks buses so he can see when the bus is coming.

5. This male student has this problem but not often. He takes many online classes and couple in-class ones. He said he always gamble on this situation. He has morning class and he drives scooter, but he does not have any decals because he doesn’t want to pay. He said parking people don’t check in the morning, so he parks just in the morning because he only has one or two classes early in the morning. He said sometimes he gets a ticket but he always appeals it.

In conclusion, people have this problem and looking forward to use this app if it existed. It helps people being late for class or work and I think it builds good time management skills. Being on time for class or work help efficiency and productively and people don’t have to feel stress about it. Most people who has car or scooter paid their decal so there should be enough space to park for people who bought decals.


  1. Kaito,

    This is definitely an issue for students, but I wonder how many staff actually experience this issue. You interviewed a staff member who takes the bus to campus, but it would be interesting to hear from a staff member like a professor who commutes to work by car. I think you may find that your target “who” market is much more closely centered on students, as much of staff are given assigned, reserved parking spaces (which are more spaces that students have unavailable to them!)

    Jonah Brafman

  2. Hello Kaito.

    I will say that I enjoyed the opportunity that you decided to “tackle”. I can see that you picked something that you felt strong about and found beneficial to other and yourself. I can see that you strategic about the people you chose to interview. The brief description given on the interviews help to support your chosen opportunity for this specific blog.

  3. Hello Kaito,
    I LOVE the idea of an app for on campus parking. The towing industry and parking situation at UF will never be fixed if not done properly with technology. There has been numerous expansion projects so forth as well as management changes but nothing seems to make it better. The best way to do this is by making an app that shows open spots so we ALL win.
    Matthew Nguyen


Final Reflection

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