Jun 7, 2019

Solving The Problem

The Problem/Opportunity: I think college students do not have enough time to eat well and cook healthy meals. Eating healthy is very important because it controls weight, improves mood, combats diseases, and so on. There are a lot of benefits by eating healthy, but it is very difficult for college students because of assignments, exams, and club activities.

The Product/Service: I propose partnering up with food delivery services, local supermarkets, and nutritionists. People get lazy too cook because they don’t have time to cook and go to supermarkets often. Thus, if we could make a contract with food delivery services such as Uber eats, Bites squad and Door dash, it is going to be very realistic since a lot of students use those apps. Nutritionist decides what to provide from local supermarkets and drivers pick them up. I think this process is very simple and efficient. If there is any chance UF student government could support this service for UF students since they have a lot of budget, this will be more realistic financially.


  1. Kaito,

    I like the problem you are trying to address. I think it is clear that you have put thought into the process of how this opportunity could be exploited. In your elevator speech, you said the student would cook and follow a recipe. Would this be a similar business model to Blue Apron or HelloFresh? But it seems like your idea is gathering ingredients from a local supplier. So maybe this business model is more like grocery delivery that some grocery stores offer but with the added feature of being curated by a nutritionist? Moreover, the nutritionist is also providing preparation instructions.

    I like it. Keep working and refining your idea.
    Best Regards,


  2. Hi Kaito,
    I absolutely loved your idea because I also struggle with this problem. When I look on the delivery apps there aren't really any nutritious meals to choose from and I just end up eating some garbage fast food. I would love to eat healthier, but I am always working and hardly have the time to plan any meals. Hopefully this is something serious because it would really be valuable to many students

  3. Hi Kaito
    Great job in the solving Problem post. I am a college student who agrees with you on the problem. We don't get enough time to cook healthy meals. The temptation of eating unhealthy food is much higher than eating healthy food. I like your idea of making a contract with food delivery will be amazing.
    Excellent post.


Final Reflection

1)     Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- th...