Jun 7, 2019

Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

The opportunity I’m pursuing is the problem of the lack of parking on the University of Florida, and even though they pay for parking, students and staffs cannot find the parking spots.

Who: I interviewed 3 students and 2 workers. The main difference between 3 students and 2 workers are the time the come to school. Both 2 students’ class start at 11 every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and at 2 on Tuesday and Thursday. Both students drive car and they said it is always packed. One of workers have work at 7 am till 12 pm so he never had a problem of parking. Another work has work 5 pm to 12 am so there is always spot because people have left already and since it is after 4:30 pm, she does not have any decals. 1 student uses bus to go to school so she has never experienced this problem.

What: This need becomes different based on what time they go to school or how to get to school.

Why: The underlying cause is mostly the same. When and how you get to school is the biggest factor.

Inside the boundary
Outside the boundary
Who is in
People who go to school by a scooter or a car between 10 am-2 pm.
Who is not
People who go to school early in the morning or late in the night.
What the need is
People need parking spaces during the daytime.
What the need is not
There are enough parking spaces still.
Why the need exists
Most classes start between 10 am-2 pm.
Alternative Explanations
People who use RTS transit service(bus) does not need a parking space and most bus show up on time.


  1. Really good job identifying the specific times in which the need occurs, I definitely see the parking issue being a problem during the mid classes and even a little before maybe even at 8am. Also very good point in referring to those who aren't in need as the ones who go to school later as most people are out of class by then. I would add a little more about who isn't affected by this need such as teachers or guests etc.

  2. Hey Kaito,
    Great job with you post! You have done an excellent job identifying and analyzing all the necessary components of the assignment. You in depth analysis of each individual part was quite interesting and helped foster my own thinking regarding your idea. I would consider, however, fixing a few areas here and there in order to develop your ideas better.

  3. Hi Kaito,
    I felt like the need is not needing cheaper spaces. Sure, yours was obvious but it could have been expanded with that. Furthermore, since most classes are between 10 and 2, you have also expressed that the majority of people at UF do experience this problem which makes this a strong opportunity to tackle. Still, people who do have school early and late have to deal with all the parked cars from those who stay on campus already.

  4. Hi Kaito
    Excellent job, your post of testing your hypothesis part 2. The part when ''who' of the three students and two workers look at their differs and how they manage to work along with each other. Also in the ''Why'' its true that the underlying cause is the mostly the same as the workers and the students.
    Excellent post.


Final Reflection

1)     Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- th...