Jun 7, 2019

Elevator Pitch No.1


  1. Hey Kaito,
    Great idea man, I can tell how important this idea is to you and myself included. The urgency and importance of staying healthy but being able to enjoy your food is definitely a market that needs to be hit hard. I loved the idea of bringing a simple ready to follow set of instructions to make food at home. One thing I noticed in your pitch was that you were well informed and did not stop to think about any information. One thing I did pick up was that you did the pitch was that you looked away, but might have been because of the angle.
    Matthew Nguyen

  2. Hi Kaito,
    Your pitch caught my attention at first because it was super relatable and something that we, as college students, see every day almost. I liked the transition from speaking on it and then explaining the solution and how we can solve this issue we all have. I really like your idea and hope I can see it come to life


Final Reflection

1)     Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- th...