Jun 14, 2019

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

The segment that I chose is businesses that want to keep their customers happy. This includes restaurants/food delivery service that open late night or 24 hours.

Interview #1: Female, student.
She said she doesn’t have this need because she usually goes to bed around 10 pm so she doesn’t need late night snack.

Interview #2: Male, student.
He said he always wish there is a place that open late night/ 24 hours except McDonald’s. He always up until late night because he likes to play online video game and usually goes to bed around 4 or 5 and gets hungry around 3. His solution to his problem was going to Taco Bell at Midtown but since they are closed, he has to order McDonald or microwave some frozen food. He looks for delivery service that open until late but right now, only McDonald is available.

Interview #3: Male, student.
He said this need exists around him.  He goes out 3 times a week (Thurs-Sat) and he gets drunk every time he got drunk. He said even though he got drunk and very hungry when he got home from Midtown, most delivery service is closed. His solution was to drink a ton of water so he will feel full and get sober. I thought this is better for him. He talks about this friend to stay Midtown longer so he can eat at Relish or Hurricane BTW but his roommates (they usually split the money for Uber so they need to go home together) but they always want to go home as soon as possible after they had fun.

I learned that there is a demand of services that open until late night or 24 hours. Also, I learned people loves late night snacks even though they are bad for you. The reason of this need is different than others, but the need is still there regardless. Even though they search in Google, they cannot find what they are looking for because these services rarely exist.


  1. Hey kaito,
    I love that you surveyed a variety of individuals so you can see what your target market is. It is important to know who and what to hit when applying this to marketing tactics. Furthermore, I like the idea of using questions that are specifically based towards your demographic and applying them to your business.
    Great post Kaito keep working!

  2. Hey Kaito,
    You have managed to provide your readers with a great post illustrating the segment you have selected to be the focal point of your service. Your assessment of individual needs and wants was quite interesting to read and showed a greater understanding for what the customer truly desires. Further, you have managed truly acquire important data for further analysis.


Final Reflection

1)     Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- th...