Jun 28, 2019

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior NO.2

My business would be to provide a food delivery service for college students.

·         Begin with alternative evaluation. In the last case exercise, you determined how customers sought information related to solving their need. The outcome of this step is to produce a set of alternatives. Customers pick from among this set of alternatives. In this step, your job is to figure out how they do their picking. Does price matter the most? Does quality? Does style? Is there more than one factor that is important to your customer segment?
My 1st and 3rd interviewees said the price matter the most. Since they are both from outside of Florida, so they are paying out-state tuition which is very expensive. That’s why they are very wondering about the price. 2nd interviewee cares more about quality. She is a vegan and she wants to know if there’s a plan for vegans. All interviewees liked the style. (Our style is a delivery service that deliver uncooked meal with recipe. All meals are from local markets and chosen by nutritionists.  
·         How/where do they buy? Elements of the actual transaction can help characterize your segment. Is your segment more likely to buy online or in a store? Are they more likely to use cash or will they finance the purchase? Etc. If this is a B2B purchase, who's involved in the purchase decision?
They can order online, through the app on the phone. Basically, you choose plan online, it can be 1 day a week to 7 days a week. My company receive the order and tell the nutritionists how many people ordered and any food preference (some people have allergies, or some are vegetarian/vegan). Nutritionist decides ingredients at local restaurant and give packed ingredients and recipe to deliverer.
·         Post-purchase evaluation. What matters most to your customers when they think back on the 'rightness' of the purchase? What helps them determine the purchase was a good idea? What sorts of things make them think a purchase was a bad idea?
As a college student, it is very hard to go to grocery store and choose good food and cook at home. It is because we do not have a lot of time to do those process because of many assignments, exams, socials and so on. People tend to eat fast food or unhealthy food so they can save time. We know eating healthy is very important so I believe this service will satisfy students’ guiltiness.
·         Report findings and conclusion:
I learned from my interviewees that they are really concerns about the price and they suggested me great ideas which is to have a “roommates discount”. If you have roommates and if they all use this service, each person gets a discount. Also, “invitation discount” which is if you invite a friend to this service, you will get a promo code to get a discount. People had many great ideas so I thought I should consider and make use of those ideas to this business.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kaito,
    I wanted to first start off by saying that you did an excellent job with this post and provided excellent detail regarding the assignment at hand. Further I wanted to compare our findings and when I did I found that we attained similar results regarding pricing and affordability and the practicality of the service or good provided.


Final Reflection

1)     Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- th...