Jul 5, 2019

Elevator Pitch No.2

What did you change, based on the feedback?
Based on the feedback, I changed my camera angle and tried to face front.


  1. Hey Kaito,
    I think you did so much better this time. The way you you talk to the camera and used certain facts to help push your idea even more. This time around you made better eye contact and the tone of your voice was a lot higher and convincing. Great job man I really enjoy your app, it seems really convenient. Best of luck my man.
    Matthew Nguyen

  2. Hi Kaito,
    Fantastic video of the Elevator Pitch No. 2
    Its excellent service that you're doing the food delivery service. Your total right that us student need this because it is difficult for us to eat a healthy meal at home.
    Perfect post.

  3. Hello Kaito,
    I really liked your pitch. You set the scene for most college students and I'm sure a lot of them relate to you. You identified why the problem is occurring and then went on to answer how you want to fix it. It was structured very well in my opinion. You also added an incentive which I think was a great idea.


Final Reflection

1)     Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- th...