Jul 5, 2019

Create a Customer Avatar

This is 60 year old farmer guy and he does not laugh often and very quiet person.
He likes to watch baseball and he is a fan of San Francisco Giants. He drives a huge navy truck of Ford.

He doesn't watch TV shows but he likes western film and he likes to listen to country music. He has one son and one daughter. His son is a college student and majoring agribusiness and joined Alpha Gamma Rho when he was a freshman. His daughter is a high school student.
What do you have in common with the customer avatar?
Honestly, only thing that is common with this customer avatar is gender. I think the reason why I chose this guy as my customer avatar is I am not good at talking with this kind of guy. I can talk to young men or women, old women but old men. Hopefully I can overcome this problem.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kaito,
    Great Job in the Create a Customer Avatar. Astonishing Avatar of this 60-year-old farmer of specific description of him and that think of what you think that your not good at taking with this kind of guy.
    Amazing job.


Final Reflection

1)     Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- th...