Jul 5, 2019

Idea Napkin No.2

1)    You. Who you are. 
I am a fourth-year food and resources economics major student at the University of Florida. I am the son of businessman at a pharmaceutical company and a high school teacher in Japan. My aspiration is to make people’s life better and happy. I have been testing the hypothesis of new food delivery service and if I was starting this business, I am sure that this business will make college students or young people happy.

2)    What are you offering to customers?
It is the new delivery service that deliver ingredients with simple recipe. This is the need for most college students because it is difficult for college students to eat healthy meal at home because they don’t have much time to do it. There will be menus for vegetarians and vegans. If the customer signed up this service with their roommates or friends, they will get discounts.

3)    Who are you offering it to? 
Mostly college students. College students do not have time to go to grocery store often and cook at home because they have a lot of homework, exams, and so on. Since they get lazy, they tend to eat frozen food or fast food instead.

4)    Why do they care?
Because many college students wish they are eating healthy. Eating healthy is one of most important things to live. Also, students' parents will be happy too.

5)    What are your core competencies?
Time efficiency and quality, and better health. This business will partner up with food delivery service such as Uber eat and Bites squad so it can be delivered as soon as possible. We are going to hire a professional nutritionist and he/she can make meal plans. Also, they will be good at cooking. The nutritionist will be stayed at local grocery store and it will be delivered from there and will lower the cost as possible.

I think that many of these elements work well together to create a successful business. Hopefully the Student Government would help this business financially, for example give students promo code, since they have huge budget so we can provide this service cheaper.

Feedback memo: There were some concerns about pricing so I decided to provide some ways to get discounts or make this service cheaper.


  1. Hi Kaito,

    Do you have an app that lets students select their meal plans? What if they have a problem with one the ingredients? How would a return or exchange policy work? Would all communications with the customer be through the app or would there be a phone number to call?

    When you imagine this business idea running full scale, how many employees do you think it will require to be successful given the population of UF Students?

    These are just a few ideas that come to mind when I read through your Idea Napkin #2. I like your concept and believe you could turn this into a viable business, but it will certainly take tenacity to see it through. I often wonder if my business plan would require several employees in order to have a successful start in the market.

    Continue the process of planning, I think your business plan is great.

    Best Regards,


  2. Hi Kaito,
    Great Job in the Idea Napkin No. 2
    Its fantastic service that you're doing the food delivery service. Your total right that us student need this because it is difficult for us to eat a healthy meal at home.
    And that is very important for us to eat healthily. We are lazy; we will not cook because it takes time and patience that we don't have we want thing now.
    Perfect post.

  3. Hi Kaito,
    the fact that you're a food and resource economics major makes all the more since as to why you would be the one to create this type of service! I also like the fact that you have minimized your customer type to college students because those are the ones who would benefit the most. I liked how you took the issue from the feedback about pricing and faced it. You provided an idea how to keep the costs down and gave a way for discounts since most students have a very small budget plan.


Final Reflection

1)     Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- th...