Jul 12, 2019

Elevator Pitch No.3

This time, I used my hands more to look professional and tried to be more persuasive.
I recorded this video at my work and I accidentally forgot my white shirts and tie...


  1. Hi Kaito,
    Great post on the Elevator Pitch Number 3. I like that you use your hand more make you look more professional. Also, it seems professional with your background and the blazer.Amazing product. Just a little fewer nerves.
    Excellent video.

  2. In your reflection you should have also included if you changed anything in the content of your elevator pitch. Did you focus more on your solution? Your problem? Your gestures were good in the pitch but at points it was difficult to view them as the angle of the camera cut off your hands. Other than that you spoke well and sounded persuasive.

  3. Hey Kaito,
    I think this one was your best bro! You seem to really know how to speak about your business and how it will help benefit the community you live in. I think its best for you to continue practicing to make it perfect. I think its a good idea to do things like this because it helps us all get comfortable with the idea of translating this to real life.
    Matt Nguyen


Final Reflection

1)     Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- th...