Jul 26, 2019

Your Exit Strategy

·         Identify the exit strategy you plan to make. Do you intend to sell your business in the next 5 years for a large return? Do you intend to stay with the business for several decades and retire? Do you intend to protect the venture as a family business, and pass it down to your children?

I plan to stay with this food delivery service as my side business. Mainly, I want to work for international trading company. Since I speak English and Japanese, I think I can make the trade very smooth. I want to keep this food delivery service until I found a way to be successful, and I will sell it to a company who hires students. Then, I want students to run this service as a job or internship or just as an experience. I don’t think I am going to pass it down to my children because I want my children to open their way just by themselves.

·         Why have you selected this particular exit strategy?

I chose this because I am interested in many things and I want to try new things.

·         How do you think your exit strategy has influenced the other decisions you've made in your concept? For instance, has it influenced how you have identified an opportunity? Has it influenced your growth intentions or how you plan to acquire and use resources?

By starting business while you are young, definitely it will help you to make connections with other entrepreneurs. People are one of resources and I believe it will help me in the future. Also, I want to do many other things so that’s why I am planning on selling this service in the future for next generation. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kaito,
    I feel the same way being an entrepreneur opens a lot of connections. I have developed a substantial base just from participating in our experiment. I feel like over the span of multiple years this base will only grow, and overtime will provide me with a great human capital "bank". I love the idea you came up with kaito and wish you the best man. I hope to have some of the food too!
    Matt Nguyen


Final Reflection

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