Aug 2, 2019

Venture Concept No.2

Many college students are eating less healthy compare to days before college.
Many college students are wanting to eat healthy.
College students do not have enough time to go to grocery store because they have exams, assignments, and club activities, social and so on.
College students tend to eat fast food or frozen food instead of cooking at home.

Customer can order food through the app. Very easy.
Product comes with ingredients which chosen by nutritionist and recipe so the customer can follow.    

Partner up with delivery services which are already exist like Uber eat and Bites squad.

It is understandable that college students cannot pay too much money. So, there ways to get discount. Such as introducing this service to other friends or apply for this service with roommates.

There are menus for vegetarians/vegans too.

Venture Concept:        
Individuals will buy my product because I have been interviewed many college students and most of them answered they want to eat healthier.
Fraternities/Sororities will buy because even though they have chef at their house, their meal plan does not cover Saturday and Sunday.
Off-campus apartment will buy because my friends works for off-campus apartments and they can advertise my product.

Price points:
It is very important because many college students spend money on a lot of stuff but food. There are ways to get discounts. If customers invite their friends to this service, they will get promo code for discount. Also, there are roommates discounts and group discounts too.

Firstly, I think we should distribute this service to people in Greeklife first. It is because it will be faster to spread the name of this products by mouth and will be great advertisement. After that, we are going to distribute to off-campus houses. We will use social media too.

Customer Service:
Since the company is built upon care for others friendly, honest, and concerned customer service is vital. My employees will be required to memorize key persuasive statistics in case a buyer is on the fence and be knowledgeable about the underlying cause we are representing.

Anywhere that close to college towns.

Careful because I don’t want any juice to be spilled.

I’m estimating around 5 employees to begin with.
·         Operators for the orders from customers.      
·         Nutritionists. 
·         Drivers.
·         Workers who will pack all ingredients in one.
What’s next?
I want all college students to know about this service and use it. I want to make money and I want to spread this service to all states.

For Me:
Hopefully through this service, college students learn how to cook and what healthy food are. And contribute to their child’s health in the future too.

Describe how you changed your venture concept, based on what you learned from the feedback.
I changed the number of employees from 10 to 5 because Jonah pointed out that I had too much employees and I agreed because some tasks can be done by one person.


  1. Hi Kaito,

    I’m happy you were able to find my comment helpful and I believe you have done an excellent job with these venture concept assignments. As your companies sees growth you will always be able to add more employees as they become needed. Even independent contractors can be hired for initial projects. You’ve identified a fantastic opportunity and I would certainly be a customer. I can’t wait to see what kind of menu items your firm will have available. Lots of people think college students are too poor to be consumers in a market such as this, but I know many who would pay a premium for health and convenience while they are busy dealing with their semester and out-of-school responsibilities so they do not have to focus on finding something to eat or taking the time to cook healthy.

    Jonah Brafman

  2. Hey Kaito,
    Great work on your Venture Concept Number 2. I agree with your venture concept that more students want to eat healthily. Your venture could help a lot of people that need to get help in their healthy habit. This fantastic idea.
    Great Job.


Final Reflection

1)     Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way -- the highs, the lows -- th...